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This is the blog of Michael and Vicki Smith.

Established 2003.

“Small town with a big back yard”

“Small town with a big back yard”

Yesterday, we started the day at the Happy Boulders.  There is a trail up a hill to the boulders and we didn’t think Iris was ready for the hike yet. Mike went bouldering solo while Iris and I hung out in the shade of the truck. Without a guide, Mike found a boulder that looked interesting and did about three routes. He had a great time though wishes he was in better climbing shape. Back at the truck, the view was amazing and it was so quiet that only the flapping of the few birds’ wings made any noise.

Next stop was to explore Bishop Creek Canyon. The fall colors were worth the drive alone. There are quite a few aspen trees along the way, which turned a vibrant orange. We stopped at Lake Sabrina, which was nestled at the base of some hills. It looks very promising for kayaking. We really like Bishop and the surrounding area.

Fun at Sabrina Lake

Fun at Sabrina Lake

From Northern Yosemite to Bishop

From Northern Yosemite to Bishop