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This is the blog of Michael and Vicki Smith.

Established 2003.

Saturday on the Big Island

We woke up at 3:00 am this morning, or a little earlier. It’s still very dark outside. Mike made a pot of coffee and we are sitting on the lanai researching the island and planning our day. I intend to go for a long run this morning along Alii Drive on the oceanfront. Perhaps we will go to the Saturday market and get some fresh fruit. We’ll see what the day holds. Right now, we are enjoying the simplicity of sitting on the lanai in the early morning hours without any sounds except the ocean surf and bugs chirping.


I went for just a six-mile run this morning. It was wonderful! Hot and humid but I saw downtown Kona and loved it. Then we rented snorkeling equipment for the week and went to Kahalu’u Beach Park for some basic snorkeling. It is a popular park and we expected a lot of people. As we pulled in, there was a sign that said Shark Siting, which evaporated my resolve to be strong. It was still fairly early Hawaii time and we saw the lifeguard setting up her tower, which made me feel better. We went snorkeling and sat in the sun for a little while. It was nice. We saw some fish. The tide was getting stronger. I had flippers so it wasn’t too bad to swim against but Mike did not (he doesn’t like flippers) and the tide affected him more.

We stopped by a small Saturday market but weren’t really in the mood to buy anything. Then we made a trip to Costco, a mad-house and I’m not sure it was worth the trip, and then to Kona Brewery for lunch. That was much better. The Longboard lager was fine but we weren’t really happy with the red beer that we ordered. It was too sweet. When the waiter asked, we told him the Longboard was better. He surprised us by adding some porter to our beer, which made the red ale sooo much better. Now, we are back home. It’s 1:30 Hawaii time and we are already a little tired. I think I’m going to try to convince Mike to go to the cute clothing shop next door before this day is done. I’m not sure what else we will do. Still need to find some fresh fruit. I couldn’t buy it from Costco because the mangos were grown in Mexico and that just seemed silly.


The Flight to Kona