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This is the blog of Michael and Vicki Smith.

Established 2003.

The Back Yard

The Back Yard

We finally decided to start working on the back yard.  We rototilled where we wanted to install grass.  When we picked up the rototill, we all bought the materials for the sprinkler system – at leas most of the materials.  While Mike rototilled, I was on my hands and knees picking grass and moss out of the mess.  Then, we got several loads of topsoil and spread it. We started digging the trenches, but discovered our yard was full of tree roots.  We bailed on the digging and decided to rent a trencher.    Because we were going to use power equipment in the back yard to dig, we decided we better make sure there were no utility lines, etc.  Exhausted, we called it a day mid-afternoon on Sunday.

Pints to Pasta 10K

Pints to Pasta 10K

Fossil Rock

Fossil Rock