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This is the blog of Michael and Vicki Smith.

Established 2003.

Selling the House Excitement

We put our house on the market a little over one week ago and we’ve had two people look at it.  Tonight, around 5:30 p.m., I spilled some beer on the carpet as we were eating dinner and watching a show on the DVR. Suddenly, after I had wiped up the beer but we had decided to wash the carpet tomorrow, Mike received a call from a real estate agent who had apparently called at 5:30 pm asking if clients could look at our house tonight.  The real estate agent asked if they swing by…in 9 minutes.  Before Mike was off the phone, I was cleaning the kitchen.  Of course, tonight was the first time we had let the house get a little dirty.  Mike and I were on speed mode – we didn’t even talk.  We had the entire house cleaned and were out the door in 10 minutes.  We parked down the street and they showed up 2 minutes later.  Mike and I really had fun – we were laughing the entire time we were in the car.  We were so proud of ourselves.  They stayed in the house 27 minutes, a new record.  The first group stayed 16 minutes.  We’ll see what happens.

On Friday, we looked at several houses.  We didn’t find the perfect one but we learned a lot and had fun.  We’re confident the perfect house is out there for us.  Right now, we’re trying to narrow down the neighborhoods we like.

Portland Marathon, et al.