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This is the blog of Michael and Vicki Smith.

Established 2003.

The Shed

The Shed

Not much to blog about this weekend because we only did one thing:  we built a shed.  We bought the shed kit several weeks ago and it literally came in pieces.  We had a stack of 2x4s and oth random pieces of wood that took up a fair portion of our garage, and a set of instructions.  Needless to say, we were quite intimidated by the project.

Saturday morning, we started working on it with the idea that maybe we would get the foundation figured out that day.  Of course, our first step was a trip to Lowes for supplies.  We went to Lowes around 7:00am and quit working that evening around 5:00pm.  There were two other trips to the hardware store in that time.  We were shocked at how much work we completed that day:  the foundation and floor were completed and the walls were framed.  By the end of the day, not only were we really tired, but Mike had turned into an experienced user of the electric drill.  (We went through several bits in the process.)

On Sunday morning, we discovered it had rained the previous night, wetting our work site. We also woke up quite early and didn’t think the neighbors would appreciate waking to the hum of the electric drill so we made another 7:00am trip to Lowes for more supplies.  We ended our day around 3:30pm.  There was only one additional trip to the hardwood store, making a total of 5 trips for this project.  We were sore from yesterday’s work.  Us city-folk aren’t used to all that manual labor.  By the end of the day, we had the roof framed and we had put on the siding.  It looks great and we love it!  No fights, no blood, no injuries.  It was a very successful project.

We are going to try to finish the project after work this week.  Here’s hoping…

Florida Work Trip

Florida Work Trip

Owens River Gorge

Owens River Gorge