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This is the blog of Michael and Vicki Smith.

Established 2003.

Weekend Update

Weekend Update

Friday was crazy at work for me.  I attended a mediation in the morning regarding a case involving the death of an infant.  Then, I almost ran back to the office where I met another client and went to a settlement conference on an auto case.  I got back to the office at 4:30 pm, having settled the auto case and learned the death case settled too.  Long day!

Coign Studio is getting busier than ever.  Mike’s busyness is almost back to Planar-levels but not nearly as stressful.  He’s primarily doing motion graphics and web design.

This was Chores Weekend.  We finished putting the theater room back together.  Mike cleaned the house while I recycled the bottles.  We replaced the furnace filters.  And we went for a run together and went climbing at the gym.  That’s about it.



Theater Room Update

Theater Room Update