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This is the blog of Michael and Vicki Smith.

Established 2003.

The lawn & birds

The lawn & birds

We worked our butts off yesterday clearing the back yard to prepare to rip up the “lawn”.  We removed all the rocks that framed the “gardens” and we cleaned up the scary, haven’t-been-back-there-since-we-bought-the-house tree stump corner of our back yard.  Mike got the stump out and made that corner area level while I attacked the many years worth of pine needles that had accumulated.  The corner looks really good.

The lawn is next.  I think we’re ready to rent the sod cutter and really tear up our back yard.  It’ll be nice to have real grass and a smooth yard to walk around in.  We’re both excited about the project.

Mike updated his print portfolio for an interview this week to become a design firm’s vendor.  It only took him a couple days and it looks great!

Wow – the birds are going crazy with the birdfeeder today.  We hung up the bird feeder outside of the office window so we can watch the birds while on the computers.  They are soooo cute.  Mike and I have come up with nicknames for many of the birds, such as Zorro, Picky Bird, Brown Bird, and Red-Belly Bird.  We refilled the seed this weekend and apparently they like it.

General Update

General Update

Bodyfelt Mount Website

Bodyfelt Mount Website