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This is the blog of Michael and Vicki Smith.

Established 2003.

Climbing at Smith Rock

Climbing at Smith Rock

We’ve had a great September.  A couple weeks ago, we went climbing at Smith Rock with Kris and Drew.  It was really a great day and we all enjoyed spending time together.  Mike and Kris teamed up, leaving Drew and me together.    Aferwards, we dined at…where else?....the Mexican restaurant in Sisters.  Yum!

On our way to Smith Rock, we stopped by Red Point and bought me a harness and new climbing shoes.  With the new harness, we could have two ropes going that day.  The shoes were rather a whim.  We had previously bought me the same pair of shoes in a half size smaller, but I couldn’t get them broke-in -  even with Mike wearing them one night.  They hurt my feet too much.  My old purple shoes are really starting to smell too, so we bought another pair of blue Anastazi velcros for women.  I love them! They’re still tight, but I’m getting them broke-in.

Mike and I have been climbing at the gym off and on.  Last week, a new route was put up that wrapped about a corner.  A decent climber was working on the route and it looked tough.  Mike tried the route and got it on his second attempt.  He was awesome!  Ike and some other climbers tried the route and soon a small group had formed.  Ike encouraged me to try it, which I was hesitant to do because it looked beyond me.  I didn’t get it, but I worked the route that night and was just as good on it as “the boys”.  It was fun climbing with a group and being able to hold my own.

Coign Studio is really taking off!  Mike is swamped.  Besides the BMSC website (which people at work love and rave about), he’s doing a DVD of a start-up company’s Powerpoint presentation, he is now a vendor for AngelVision and is doing digital movies for them, has multiple projects for Planar, updated Sara and Andrew Glascock’s website for their barn, will be working on updating Sara’s law practice website and is working with Judy in Boston on a couple projects.  Mike is thrilled.

Somewhere between all his projects, Mike found the time to make a DVD for me with photographs of us.  It was a complete surprise and I LOVE it!!  He used new Dar Williams songs in the movie.  It really is fabulous!

Work for me is good, though it’s starting to get really busy.  I have a small trial with Mark in October and am almost exclusively working on two large cases, as well as the rest of my case load.  I should bill some serious hours for the rest of the year.

Training for the marathon is coming along.  I’m starting my taper now.  I will only run 16 miles today with Pete.  I hope I have enough miles under my belt to carry me through the race.  Two weeks and counting.

More Bathroom Remodeling

More Bathroom Remodeling

General Update

General Update