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This is the blog of Michael and Vicki Smith.

Established 2003.

Rebuilding Together

Rebuilding Together

It was a crazy weekend in the Smith household…at least for me.

Saturday was the Rebuilding Together workday.  The alarm went off bright and early.   Mike made breakfast while I ran around getting ready.  By 7:30 a.m., I was at the house that the BMSC crew was going to work on.  Phew – we got a port-a-potty.  There was some concern about that.  It was a good crew again this year:  Kristin, Barry, Pete, Rick, Skip, Erica, Erica’s husband Byron, her daughter Julie, Ilene, Ilene’s daughter Jody, Zina, Zina’s mother Hattie, Janet, Laura and me.  We scrubbed two inside rooms and painted them.  We also fought the rain to paint the exterior of the house.  Unfortunately, the rain won and we only got one coat on 1½ sides out of the 3 we needed to paint.  It looks like we’ll return on a sunny day to finish up the exterior painting.  We also helped clean out the basement.  We filled a huge dumpster.

Half-way through the day, my shirt was soaked and I was freezing, because I was on the outside crew.  My wonderful husband drove all the way across town to bring me warm clothes.  What a sweetie.  We also had a visit from Skip’s wife, Kathy, who brought cocoa and coffee.  The best part of the day was that the BMSC crew really had a good time together.

In the meantime, Mike busted his butt redesigning his website.  It looks really great!  He also cleaned the house- and that was quite a chore and much appreciated.

No sleeping in for us on Sunday.  I had my first marathon training run.  I met Pete at Forest Park for a 10-miler on the Wildwood Trail.  It was a lot of fun running with a group of people, and with Pete.  I am excited for our next run in two weeks.

I have the best husband in the world.  While I was running, Mike continued to clean our house.  He also worked on his webpage.

Work & a trip to Spokane

Work & a trip to Spokane

Stoneworks Climbing

Stoneworks Climbing